Tissue Culture Lab was established in 2001 for rapid multiplication of disease free and true to type seed of new cane varieties.Development is in progress on seed production at commercial scale. Aseptic culture of living tissues (Meristem) in the artificial growth medium to develop new plant” is called as sugarcane tissue culture (Fig. 3).
- Micro propagation and rapid multiplication of newly released varieties.
- Utilization of soma-clonal variation for sugarcane plant improvement.
- Tissue culture of ornamental flowers like gerbera andlilium.
- Micro propagation of Stevia
Tissue culture of new sugarcane clones has been started for SLSG-1653, SLSG-1654, SLSG-128 and SLSG-1591to produce high sugar recovery varieties rapidly. Protocol for multiplication of these varieties has been developed and maximum seed will be prepared till September 2021 that will be multiplied 10 times more for next season.